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Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Vacancy

Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Vacancy

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  • Create Date November 8, 2022
  • Last Updated November 8, 2022

Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Vacancy

Pursuant to the provisions of the NPSC Act, 2011 sections 15 (1), the National Police Service Commission is mandated to appoint a suitably qualified person to be the secretary to the Commission through an open, transparent and competitive recruitment process and to serve on such terms as the Commission may determine.

Subsequently, the Commission invites applications from suitably qualified persons who wish to be considered for the position of Commission Secretary/CEO, National Police Service Commission.

1. Requirements for Appointment:

A person is qualified for appointment as a Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer if the person: -

(a) Is a citizen of Kenya;

(b) Holds a postgraduate degree from a University recognized in Kenya;

(c) Has had at least ten years’ proven experience at management level;

(d) Has proven relevant experience in any of the following fields.

  1. Management;
  2. Law;
  3. Economics;
  4. Change Management;
  5. Finance;
  6. Governance; or
  7. Public Administration;


2. Other Requirements

The applicants are required to obtain clearance from the following institutions to meet requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010;

  1. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)
  2. Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
  3. Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
  4. Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)
  5. Police clearance certificate from DCI


3. Roles and Responsibilities:

The Commission Secretary shall be—

(a) the chief executive officer of the Commission;

(b) the accounting officer of the Commission;

(c) responsible for—

  1. acting on the decisions of the Commission;
  2. the implementation of the functions of the Commission;
  3. the formulation and development of an effecient administration;
  4. the organization, control and management of the members of staff of the Commission;
  5. day-to-day administration and management of the a_ airs of the Commission;
  6. the performance of such other duties as may be assigned by the Commission.

4. Terms of Service

  1. The appointment is on a contract term of five (5) years.
  2. The gross monthly salary and benefits attached to the position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission vide Kenya Gazette 8795 Vol. CXXIV-No.145 of 27th July, 2022.

5. How to apply

  1. Each application should be accompanied with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional testimonials and other relevant supporting documents. Scanned copies of these documents should accompany an online application.
  2. All applications should be clearly marked “Application for the position of Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer” and addressed to :-

The Chairperson

National Police Service Commission

Skypark Park Plaza, 5th Floor, Woodvale Close, Westlands.

P.O Box 47363 – 00100 NAIROBI

  1. Manual applications should be hand-delivered to the o_ ce of the Chairperson situated at 5th Floor Skypark Plaza.
  2. Online applications should be emailed in PDF format to: clearly indicating the vacancy Ref. No.2/2022
  3. All applicants and those shortlisted will be published in the print media.

6. Closing Date

All applications should be received on or before 22nd November 2022 by 5.00 PM.




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